Getting to know each other

Answer  the questions.
Getting to know each other
1.Tell  me about yourself. Where were you  born?Where do you live at  the moment?What  have you studied?
So… welcome to my world. I’m a simple guy, who already has many sad and depressing adventures in his 14 years. My name’s Eduard Yeritsyan, I study at <<Mkhitar Sebastatsi>> educational complex in 9.2 class. My friends tell me that I’m a bit crazy and that I can’t control myself. I was born in Abovyan. At the moment I  temporarily live in Avan district where I have moved from Nor Nork, but in a few months I will move to Kentron. And I can't answer the last question, because it is very relative.

2.How long have you been studying English?
I've been studying English from like the first class, but I don't remember well if it was first or second class. But from the first up to the sixth classes my efforts were dull, 'cause i didn't understand that dumb language, but then I've went to personal classes and for 2 years I got to the level of 12th class or farther.

3.Are you good at cooking/swimming/etc?
Tbh I always wanted to cook, but my mom doesn't let me to cook bcs she understands that I will burn the home if I fail. About swimming, I swim in 3 styles and I swim 100 meters in 23 seconds. When I was a child, I was afraid of swimming, so my grandpa offered me a piece of pizza for every sinking and I liked pizza as hell, so I began swimming. Ummm... I think I can't do anything. I try to write poems, but everybody laughs at them, so I think I won't write them anymore. I also tried, chess, painting, maths, guitar, but every teacher refused to teach me after several months, because I was hyperactive and I still don’t want to obey.

4.Who  you want to be, what  you want to do?
I want to become a lawyer or a linguist, but my father has alreaedy chosen my path. He decided that I’ll become a finance manager pr a lawyer.

5.What  are  your future  plans?
I haven' thought of it yet. It is already decided that I will continue my education in France, so I'd want to live in a different  country, but my parents don't agree to live in a different country, so I'm stuck here.

6.What  did you do  yesterday?
Yesterday I was mad the whole day, cause I don't like the elder school(there is only a small part of my brotherhood there) and after classes I stayed in school because I had to be in TUMO at 17:30 and I would be late if  I would go to home and then go there. So I was listening to my playlist for 2,5 hours until the time to leave came. When I finished my lesson at TUMO I went to bus stop with my friend Gor and I found out that I was waiting for the bus in the wrong side of road(for 30 minutes) and when I got home I saw one of my two friends in Avan and he asked me to hurry up and go out because there was a RED CODE SITUATION. I did as he asked though I was veeeeery tired, and when I came out he talked for me 20 minutes and left me to chat with someone (thanks dude, if you're reading this). Then I went to home, scrolled my feed because I was so tired that I was unable to read the letters, the words, and at last the book.Then I went to bed, turned on a song and sleeped for 4 hours.

7.What are you going to do  tomorrow?

8.What  have you seen before you came here?
I don’t understand the question.  

9.Do you  remember  your last  dream or any particular dream
I will tell honestly. I remember that once I saw a dream that we are sitting in our yard in Avan and I was feeling bad and I threw up on mom's favourite towel. After that my grandma defended me and laughed, but I don't know what kind of dream was it, my mom took a katana, killed my grandma and then she cutted of my head.

10.Tell me a story that  you remember from childhood
Oh well... My grandpa has a relative whose name was Misha. Once when I was 5 he visited us and brought me a «Snickers». But I liked «Mars» so his future was decided. He was just sitting on the sofa when I took a nail and shove it into his head. But «Snickers» didn't cost him very serious injuries.

11.Do you remember  any strange or dangerous situation from your life?
Yeah. I was lying(I'm very sorry) to a man who can't be lied to and who can read everything about you, just by looking on you and then he can using your words mentally break you.

12Do you live in a house or an apartment?

13Have you ever lived in another country
I don't understand what does live mean in this sentence.

14Have you ever met a famous person?
Yeas, I've met many famous persons.

15.How do you spend your free time?
I'm reading or listening to music, sometimes I chat one or two of my few friends.

16.What are your hobbies?
Emmm, I don't know, it's that, I don't have interest in anything, so I don't have a hobby.

17.What is your motto?
Life is a struggle, don’t let it put a bullet in you and never obey to it.
18.What kind of people do you like?
There is no a special kind of people that I like, it depends on the person, if I find him unique I’ll try to make friendship with him(the age doesn’t matter).

19.What languages do you speak?
Armenian, Russian, English, a little french.

20.What’s something you do well?
Running. I can run for miles without stoping or lowering my speed.

21.What is your goal in life?
I want the world in my hands.

22.Are you a ‘morning’ or ‘night’ person?
I am a night person, because I can’t sleep at nights and my brain works 2-3 times faster at night.

23.When do you feel best? In the morning, afternoon, or evening?
In the interval between 17:30 up to 05:30.

24.Why do you want to learn English?
I think I'll need it in my life.

25.Would you like to be famous?
Emmm… I don't even know, I think no, because I have some kind of anxiety, I feel very bad in big crowds, and when I'm standing on the stage I become very angry. Something disturbs me. You are watchnig at their faces and you think that they are watching you not because of the interest, they just want to see your smallest failure.



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